How To Fix 3 Year Old Sleep Regression?
It's 3 a.m. and your kiddo is awake and standing at the side of your bed, demanding to be picked up. This was never an issue before, so what gives? Why is your once-sleeping-through-the-night toddler now stuck in a major sleep regression?
Here are a few tips to fix a 3-year-old sleep regression:
- Set a consistent bedtime routine.
- Encourage your child to stay in their own bed.
- Create a calm and peaceful environment for sleep.
- Limit screen time before bed.
If you're struggling with a sleep regression, know that you're not alone. But with a few simple tweaks to your child's bedtime routine, you can help them (and you) get back on track.
First, make sure that your child is getting enough sleep during the day. A good rule of thumb is to ensure that they are taking a nap or resting for at least an hour during the day. If they are not getting enough daytime sleep, this can often lead to sleep problems at night.
Next, take a look at their bedtime routine. Is it calm and relaxing? Or is it rushed and chaotic? If it's the latter, try to change things up and create a more soothing environment for your child. This can often help them to relax and fall asleep more easily.
Finally, if your child is experiencing any type of stress or anxiety, this can also lead to sleep problems. If you think this may be the case, talk to their pediatrician or consult with a sleep specialist.
By following these tips, you should be able to help your child overcome their sleep regression and get back on track!
First, make sure that there haven't been any changes to your child's sleep schedule. If they've recently started attending daycare or preschool, their naps may have been disrupted. Try to put them back on a regular nap schedule. If they've outgrown naps, try moving bedtime earlier by 15-30 minutes. Secondly, check to see if your child is experiencing any developmental milestones that could be disrupting their sleep. If they're potty training, this can often lead to issues with nighttime waking. Finally, if your child is teething, this can also disrupt their sleep. Give them some Children's Tylenol before bed to help with the pain and try to stick to their regular sleep schedule as much as possible.
If you're child is going through a sleep regression, it's important not to panic. These regressions are often just temporary and with a few minor tweaks, your child will be back to sleeping through the night in no time.