How To Get 1 Year Old Sleep Through Night?
Getting your one year old to sleep through the night can be a challenge. Here are a few tips to help you get started:
1. Establish a bedtime routine. A calming bedtime routine will help signal to your child that it is time to sleep. Consider adding a bath, story time, or quiet time to your child's bedtime routine.
2. Put your child to bed drowsy, but awake. It may take some practice, but try putting your child to bed when they are drowsy, but still awake. This will help them get used to falling asleep on their own.
3. Follow a consistent sleep schedule. Try to put your child to bed at the same time every night and avoid letting them nap for too long during the day. A consistent sleep schedule will help regulate your child's internal clock and make it easier for them to sleep through the night.
4. Make the bedroom conducive to sleep. Make sure the bedroom is dark, quiet, and cool all of which promote better sleep.
5. Offer reassurance. If your child wakes up in the middle of the night, offer reassurance and comforting words. Let them know that you are nearby and available if they need you.
First, it's important to understand that it is developmentally appropriate for 1-year-olds to wake up at night. Their brains and bodies are growing and changing so rapidly that they often need nighttime wake-ups in order to process everything that is happening. So if your 1-year-old is waking up at night, it's not necessarily a sign that something is wrong. But if you're finding that your child is having difficulty settling back down to sleep after a nighttime wake-up, or if they are waking up more often than you would like, there are some things you can do to help.
Here are some tips for helping your 1-year-old sleep through the night:
- Create a bedtime routine. A consistent bedtime routine will signal to your child that it is time to wind down for the night. A typical bedtime routine might include a bath, story time, and then cuddling in bed.
- Encourage self-soothing. One way to help your child learn to settle back down to sleep after a nighttime wake-up is to encourage them to soothe themselves back to sleep. This might mean teaching them how to use a stuffed animal or blanket for comfort, or showing them how to pat their back until they feel sleepy again.
- limits screen time before bed. You want your child's brain to be calm and relaxed before bed, so limit screen time in the hour or so leading up to sleep. That means no television, no tablets, and no cell phones.
- Make the bedroom dark and quiet. A dark and quiet bedroom will help promote sleep. Consider investing in blackout shades or curtains, and use a white noise machine to block out any outside noise.
- Don't fight bedtime battles. If your child is resistant to going to bed, try not to let it turn into a battle. Be calm and matter-of-fact about bedtime, and keep any goodbyes short and sweet.
With some patience and consistency, you can help your 1-year-old learn to sleep through the night. Just remember that it is developmentally appropriate for them to wake up occasionally, so don't expect perfection!