How To Sleep Train My 2 Year Old?

How To Sleep Train My 2 Year Old?

How To Sleep Train My 2 Year Old?

Sleepless nights are the worst. As a new parent, you're not getting enough sleep to begin with, and then when your child starts fighting sleep... it's a recipe for disaster. You know what I'm talking about - the hourly wake ups, the screaming, the crying...

If you're at your wit's end and wondering how to sleep train your 2 year old, you've come to the right place. In this blog post, we'll give you 5 tips to get your little one sleeping through the night.

1. Establish a bedtime routine

A bedtime routine is crucial for getting your child to sleep through the night. It signals to their body that it's time to wind down and prepare for sleep. A bedtime routine might look something like this:

  • Brush teeth
  • Put on PJs
  • Read a story
  • say prayers
  • <\ul>

    Do your best to stick to this routine every night so that your child knows what to expect.

    2. Put them to bed drowsy, but awake

    One of the biggest mistakes parents make when trying to sleep train their child is putting them down when they're already asleep. This does nothing to teach them how to self-soothe and get back to sleep on their own if they wake up in the middle of the night.

    Instead, you want to put them down when they're drowsy but still awake. This way, they can learn to fall asleep on their own.

    . Be consistent

    Consistency is key when sleep training your child. If you only do it some of the time, they're going to get confused and it's going to take longer for them to learn how to self-soothe and get back to sleep on their own. So be patient, be consistent, and stick with it!

    . Don't give up

    Parents often give up too soon when sleep training their child. It's important to remember that this is a process and it's going to take time for your child to learn how to fall asleep on their own. So don't give up! Stay consistent with your routine and eventually, they will get it.

    training your 2 year old to sleep through the night can be tough, but it's definitely possible! Here are a few tips to help you get started:

    1. First, establish a bedtime routine that includes winding down for 30 minutes before sleep. This means no more screens, no more stimulating activities, and no more food or drink.

    2. Once your toddler is in their room for the night, give them a little bit of time to calm down and adjust to the darkness. You can do this by sitting with them in their room and reading them a bedtime story.

    3. If your toddler is still awake after 20 minutes, go back into their room and sit with them until they fall asleep. It may take a few nights of this before they finally get the hang of it, but be patient!

    4. Finally, if your toddler does wake up in the middle of the night, don't give them attention or try to engage them in conversation. Simply lead them back to their bed and help them lie down. If they continue to cry, you can stay in the room with them until they fall back asleep.

    train your 2 year old to sleep through the night can be tough, but it's definitely possible! These tips will help you get started on the right track!

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