How To Stop Feeding To Sleep 2 Year Old?

How To Stop Feeding To Sleep 2 Year Old?

How To Stop Feeding To Sleep 2 Year Old?

If you're still feeding your 2 year old to sleep, it's time to wean them off this habit.

Here are a few tips to help you successfully stop feeding your 2 year old to sleep:

1. Set a rule and stick to it. Explain to your child that from now on, they will need to fall asleep on their own. If they cry or protest, remain firm and consistent. It might take a few nights of crying, but eventually they will get the message and settle down.

2. Give them a comfort object. If your child is used to falling asleep with a bottle or pacifier, replace it with a stuffed animal or favorite blanket. This will help them feel comforted and secure without relying on food to drift off.

3. Create a bedtime routine. A soothing bedtime routine will signal to your child that it's time to wind down and get ready for sleep. This could include taking a bath, reading a story, and saying prayers or positive affirmations.

4. Keep mealtimes regular. Avoid giving your child snacks or drinks close to bedtime so that they don't associate sleeping with being full or thirsty. Eating meals at regular intervals throughout the day will help regulate their hunger and promote better sleep at night.

5. Be patient and loving. It's important to be understanding during this transition. Your child might be cranky or emotional as they adjust to falling asleep on their own. Be patient and loving throughout the process, and eventually they will get used to sleeping without being fed.

If you're looking to break the practice of feeding your 2 year old to sleep, read on for some tips.

1. Establish a bedtime routine

One of the best ways to break the cycle of feeding your child to sleep is to establish a bedtime routine that doesn't involve food. This might include a bath, story time, and some calming music.

2. Try a different method of soothing

If your child typically falls asleep with a bottle or breast, try another method of soothing such as rocking or cuddling. You might find that your child is just as likely to fall asleep without the need for food.

3. Don't give in

If your child cries or fusses when you try to break the cycle of feeding to sleep, it's important to not give in. This can be difficult, but if you stick to your plan, your child will eventually adjust.

4. Be patient

Remember that breaking any old habits takes time and patience. If you're finding that it's taking longer than you'd hoped, just stay consistent and eventually you will see results.

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